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A cloth printing machine downtime maintenance work

We all know that cloth printing machine is textile printing and dyeing industry, especially the towel (including bath towel, beach towel, towel, towel and other decorative tapestries) important production equipment manufacturing enterprises, to increase the service life of the equipment, not only to do maintenance before use, after the shutdown maintenance work is also very important, we understand together.
1, Cibang, chuck holder and remove from the inside to the outside must be clean, properly preserved, found the problem to send maintenance modification, avoid loss of reproduction;
2, the device for adhesive tape must be pulled out of the machine and rinsed out to avoid damage to rubber blanket.
Some empty machine running time must be 3, cloth printing machine stops, the slurry conduction band clean, so as not to damage the rubber blanket;
4, shut down after the scraper out of the machine, can check the clearance of scraper debris or damage, but also can avoid misoperation due to mechanical damage of rubber blanket;
5, cloth printing machine downtime must be timely to pulp slurry system clean, avoid corrosion and clogging and damage equipment;
6. If it is too long when the machine is shut down, the machine must run the machine for a few minutes to avoid the accident.
7, cloth printing machine downtime must make the machine and environmental health.
The above is about the cloth printing machine downtime maintenance work, in the hope that we understand and can also be used in daily use, only the equipment maintenance, in order to increase the service life, increase the efficiency of the equipment.
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下一頁(yè)Analysis of printing speed of flat screen printing machine

All copyright abserved ? Huzhou Huicheng Machinery Co., Ltd. Technical support: Zhejiang panshi

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