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A remedial method for the creases in the fabric of the flat screen printing machine

Flat screen printing and dyeing machine is one of the manufacturers will often use the way, printing effect it can help us to get the ideal, but because of the wrong operation, round net occur damaged, it will inevitably impact to the printing effect. The final fabric surface folds printed is thus obtained, how to remedy the situation for this type of defect? Let's get to know the next one.
The printing surface of the fabric crease India is a flat screen printing machine online damage or crease caused, this is the process of printing squeegee not even a typical performance. To remedy this, can be adjusted between a flat screen and printing belt distance, so as to avoid flat net force the deformation of the situation is more serious.
Before the start of flat screen printing machine printing, flat screen should be taut, like this to keep some of the stiffness and elastic, so printing scraper can normally work. Don't forget to put the blade ends and flat net contact angle cut into an arc, and polished, so as to reduce drag up to protect the flat screen protection, flat screen printing machine.
The content of the fabric to introduce flat screen printing machine there is a remedy for the crease, if everyone in the use of the above problems, according to the method of small series introduced to remedy, to ensure the quality of the fabric, must be in strict accordance with the rules and use the machine properly.
上一頁(yè)Discussion on the scope of application of cutting printing machine
下一頁(yè)Daily nursing method for cutting printing machine

All copyright abserved ? Huzhou Huicheng Machinery Co., Ltd. Technical support: Zhejiang panshi

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