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Discussion on the scope of application of cutting printing machine

The whole printing process, such as positioning, scraping, sealing oil and shifting, can be automatically printed in the printing process, without manual intervention to reduce labor intensity. Due to its characteristics, is widely used, in order to facilitate the use of the day after, today we talk about the scope of its use.
First, the printing type of the printing machine: flat screen printing.
Two, garment printing machine printing: woven, knitted apparel fabrics, garment printing; large format printing sweater, wool sweater, bags
Three. Direct printing of leather leathers; direct screen printing of PVC, PU, PP, PE and other thin film materials.
Four pieces of printed materials, printing machine: water slurry, mortar, various types of printing ink.
The above is about printing range, printing range and printing material. The application scope of the chip printing machine is discussed. If you want to use a piece of equipment, you must have a thorough understanding.
上一頁(yè)Analysis of printing speed of flat screen printing machine
下一頁(yè)A remedial method for the creases in the fabric of the flat screen printing machine

All copyright abserved ? Huzhou Huicheng Machinery Co., Ltd. Technical support: Zhejiang panshi

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